I talk a lot about zombies with the woman who cuts my hair. This is, in part, because the woman who cuts my hair grew up in the Soviet Union and has a lot of childhood memories that involve shooting rifles or kicking people in the face.
It is also because zombies have become the great equalizer, the one touch'a nature makes the whole world kin, the mystical bridge between Geek and Non-Geek.
Zombies have become mainstream, it appears.
All of a sudden it has become socially acceptable for adults to discuss their zombie readiness programs or debate about the merits of machete vs. shotgun. This is very odd.
Of course, I have always been ready and willing to do that kind of thing, but I am also the person who spent a good part of the last month constructing giant prehensile claws out of an old umbrella so that I could wear them to work. I do not consider myself a good core sample of the typical modern consciousness.
And why zombies? Why not dinosaurs or pirates or the Trojan War or manticores?
People are so very strange.
But it means that I can talk about zombies with the woman who cuts my hair.
Which is better than nothing,