One Hredzak has kindly taken the time to repair to Amazon to pan my silly book about bondage pirates. I am fortunately beyond the point in my life wherein I thought that silly books about bondage pirates were things that needed defending. They sort of rise and fall on their own innate qualities. Nor am I going to make a meal out of the fact that Hredzak (Monsieur? Madame? Let's say Monsieur, why not, let's throw a little testosterone around) that Monsieur Hredzak rendered judgment after reading the first chapter. This be the Internets, and it be a wild frontier where you shouldn't sally out in public if you're not prepared to get your ego bruised.
Nay nay, I am here for one purpose and one purpose alone. A mission of mercy, one might say. Monsieur Hredzak, you need not be worried that I suffer in the least from a deficiency of boobs.
I assume that this assurance is necessary based on the following statement in the review:
Perhaps if this author was a big-boobed femme, I mighta enjoyed the kidnapped lead.
I confess that I do not see how an author's boobtaculosity or the lack of it really relates to an enjoyment of a book. But if that's all that's bothering you, I can save the whole situation right now: I am, and have been from age twelve, rather upsettingly well-endowed. Many and many a time I have wished that I had the ability to fit myself into a sweater without the assistance of a stretching apparatus and a buttered shoehorn, but such is not the case. My knockers precede me into a room, in all their splendor. I burst shirt buttons when I breathe too heavily. I knock small children unconscious if I swing around too rapidly. I have got boobs to spare, is what I'm trying to get at.
Or are you upset that I didn't dwell enough on heaving bosoms and ripping bodices in the chapter you read? In which case, guilty. But I did include an actual honest-to-god ripped bodice in part three, out of respect for the fomula, if that makes any difference.
Right, that's quite enough of that. Time, I think, for a nice cup of tea.
Different strokes.
PS- I don't have any drawings of boobs, I'm afraid. Here, have a bunch of owls for no good reason whatsoever.